Monthly Breast Self-Exam in Every Age. Learn How to Prevent Breast Problems Including Breast Cancer.


Doing a monthly breast self-exam is the best way to stay familiar with the cyclical changes in your breasts. These are actually changes that happen in your breasts much of the time.

There will always be variations, but the key to learning about your breasts is to understand how they change.

We hope this article provides you with some information on what’s normal, healthy, and how you can benefit from monitoring your breast health.

The Purpose of Breast Self-Exam

You will get to know the territory better than your health care team and will spot changes easily. Having an annual clinical exam helps document your breast health, so keep a regular appointment set up for that! Between puberty and menopause, your breasts will go through many changes, which are affected by hormones, diet, and exercise.

These changes can be very uncomfortable for some women. With age, your breasts may gain excess weight and lose the shape. Your breasts may shrink back down or sag by the time you are 40.

Menopause can also lead to changes in the shape and size of your breasts, as well as changes in the density of the tissue and in the sensitivity of the muscles. You might feel extra sensitivity in your breasts during breastfeeding. This can mean that the breast tissue feels tender and painful. You might also experience pain when you touch your breast.

Most of these changes are natural and healthy!

Your breast self-exam can provide you with information about your breast health and what to expect at the annual clinical exam.

Annual clinical exam: mammogram
Annual clinical exam: mammogram

Keep in mind that more information about breast self-exams, methods of examination, and other pieces of advice can also be obtained from a brochure that you can get from your regional medical center.

In addition, look for signs of changes in breast structure that indicate important changes in breast health.

These changes may include, but are not limited to:

  • increased, or reduced volume of breast tissue,
  • nipple atrophy (reduction in size),
  • reduced nipple thickness,
  • increased nipple depth,
  • change in breast texture/stiffness,
  • increased or decreased nipple prominence (areola),
  • reduced or increased nipple weight,
  • diminished stretch marks,
  • erythema (redness) on the breast.

Breast Self-Exam in Teen Years

In the teen years, with the start of your monthly cycle, your body enters the maturing process, you may notice skin changes (such as acne) and even hair may change color or texture.

Breast tissue is developing during this time too, and maybe dense and firm to begin with, especially if you are small-breasted.

At this stage, it’s not too early to know your family’s health history, so ask your female relatives (mother, aunts, grandmother) if they had any fibrocystic problems with their breasts or any regular cysts. If so, it’s likely that you may experience those too.

Teen breast examination
Teen breast examination

Not to worry – cysts are benign – but you want to know where they are, and if they come and go, so they can be distinguished from other features in your breasts.’

Some girls might be too shy to talk about these things with their relatives; in this case, it’s a good idea for a mother to initiate this conversation and discuss all option with her daughter.

Breast development

You will not notice breast pain at this stage, but your breasts will be still sensitive. When the breasts begin to grow, you may notice a fine, soft tissue or a hard lump. This is where the breast buds are formed.

Keep checking your breasts daily, beginning when you notice breasts and slowly progressing as they grow. Take note of every change in size and development.

Check your nipples and areola each week. Observe your breasts for changes each time you take a shower. To ensure the best results, if, at all possible, it is best to check and analyze daily. Visit a doctor with the results of your check-ups and discuss what you may need. If you are at high risk for breast diseases, you will need to do a mammogram.

Expect most breast growth to occur in your late puberty, and breast size to become apparent sometime by your 20s.

Breast Self-Exam in Childbearing Years

After your body is prepared for motherhood, if you conceive and bear children, and also if you breastfeed the children, that will bring on more changes in your breasts, as well as in the rest of your body.

Breasts may become larger and more tender during pregnancy and may need more support.

What are some things you can do to improve breast health during pregnancy and while breastfeeding?  To be safe, do your research and make sure you are prepared to breastfeed.  If you’re in good shape, don’t perform surgery on your breasts unless it is necessary.  This is because surgery may affect your ability to breastfeed or cause other complications.

Don’t neglect your breast self-exam during this time, stay familiar with the changes. Remember that pregnancy and breastfeeding will help combine to lower your risk of breast cancer.

Breast Self-Exam During Pregnancy
Breast Self-Exam During Pregnancy

Breast health after pregnancy

You will need to pay much more attention to your breast health after pregnancy. Your breast usually becomes more sensitive and susceptible to environmental changes than it was before. Your genetics and diet now play a bigger role in your breast health.

Ensure your breasts are being properly taken care of especially when it comes to cleansing and breast skin care.

Routine screening for early breast cancer, as well as the weekly breast self-exam, may be helpful. Talk with your health care provider about your own risk for breast cancer.

Possible benefits of annual breast cancer screening include increasing the chance that cancer is detected early, allowing early treatment, saving lives and improving overall health.

Breast Self-Exam in Maturity Years

Menopause also brings changes in your breasts, as your estrogen and progesterone levels drop, your breast tissue may become less firm and may drape differently than during your teen and child-bearing years.

You may also experience a loss of breast size and shape, as your body adjusts to its new age.

In addition, your sex drive and libido-related symptoms may also change. While all of these changes will put extra stress on your relationship with your partner, their support will remain essential as well.

Regardless of whether you experience any of these symptoms or not, they are very common, and many women notice these changes in their breasts. There are many causes of these changes in breasts.

Menopause and breast changes

There are three most known ways of how menopause can affect your breasts:

  1. First, most women experience a decrease in breast size.
  2. Second, some women go through the process of breast sagging.
  3. And third, about one-quarter of women experience a permanent decrease in breast sensitivity.

Keep up with your breast self-exams in these years too, so that the normal changes are familiar to you.

These can vary considerably, so be sure to ask your provider to discuss them with you. Reviewing your results can be very helpful in figuring out if you’re past your menopausal breast changes.

Menopausal breast changes
Menopausal breast changes

Less dense breast tissue will seem to have more lumps and bumps, but remember that 90% of breast lumps are benign.

What are the Steps of Breast Self-Exam in Every Age?

Performing a regular breast self-exam is a proactive approach to maintaining breast health. By familiarizing yourself with the normal look and feel of your breasts, you can detect any changes that might occur. Here are the essential steps to follow when conducting a monthly breast self-exam in every age:

  1. Preparation: Begin by finding a comfortable, well-lit space where you can examine your breasts easily. It may help to have a mirror and a soft towel or pillow for support.
  2. Visual Inspection: Stand in front of the mirror with your arms at your sides. Observe the shape, size, and color of your breasts. Note any visible changes such as swelling, dimpling, puckering, or changes in the nipple or skin texture.
  3. Raise Your Arms: Raise your arms overhead and observe your breasts’ appearance. Look for any differences in contour or symmetry between the two breasts.
  4. Lie Down: Lie down on your back and place a pillow or towel under your right shoulder. Using the pads of your fingers, gently press in small, circular motions around your entire breast area, including the armpit. Repeat this process on the left breast.
  5. Check the Nipples: Gently squeeze each nipple between your thumb and index finger, checking for any discharge or abnormalities.

Remember, the goal of a breast self-exam is to become familiar with your breasts’ normal look and feel, enabling you to recognize any changes promptly. Regular self-exams, along with clinical breast exams and mammograms as recommended by your doctor, contribute to a comprehensive approach to breast health.

Importance of Breast Self-Exams

There’s an increasing understanding that a large number of cancers are ‘recurrent’ (and these can be much more aggressive). Moreover, different women may develop a very different pattern of breast cancer.

It’s important to also remember that not all breasts are the same. They are created in different ways, and the way those breasts develop in adulthood has some influence on the risk for developing breast cancer later in life.

Performing a breast self-exam every month is important for two reasons.

  1. It reduces the risk of breast cancer as well as breast cancer recurrence, and
  2. It may provide the “road map” that can lead women to improve their overall health and look more attractive.
Breast cancer check
Breast cancer check

Women of every age should have breast self-exams and note all abnormal changes in their breasts.

Charlie Goldberg, M.D., the lead author of the systematic breast exams guide, noted that this is important because “breast problems are common in every age”.

How Breast Screening Prevents Cancer

In countries with high breast cancer mortality rates – including the US – there are indications that annual breast cancer screening has led to a decrease in the death rate from breast cancer.

For example, in the US, the death rate has fallen from 31.2 per 100,000 women per year in 1979 to 19.9 per 100,000 women per year in 2017 – a decrease of approximately 36 percent.

Screening tests have also been shown to reduce the rate of breast cancer recurrence. For example, in Finland, the breast cancer death rate fell by 56.2 percent following the introduction of breast cancer screening for women younger than 50 years.

Products and Ingredients that May Affect Breast Health

I am also going to review some of the products, ingredients and components that may affect female breast health. They do not always appear to cause breast cancer or other life-threatening conditions. However, some of them may potentially lead to dangerous changes in female breast health, especially if not properly diagnosed or left untreated.

What is more important, many of these products are often considered absolutely safe and good for the general audience.

Still, even if we used these products for centuries, we do not necessarily know the real side effects and safety issues that may come up. Only with the help of modern technologies, can we know the truth behind things we consume every day.

This information is based on clinical and scientific evidence, and should be used to make informed decisions about your choices of food, medications, and lifestyle habits.

Coffee and Caffeine

One of the best ways to control your energy and keep you focused all day long is coffee. This product has been used for centuries to fight off fatigue and help people achieve an optimal state of consciousness. Many men and women drink countless cups of coffee each day to boost their concentration and enhance their performance.

Would you like a cup of coffee?

But can this natural substance be considered absolutely safe? Or are there any hidden long-term health concerns related to the daily consumption of coffee?

Many clinical trials and scientific studies have been performed in order to evaluate the safety of coffee and its effects on heart, blood, and even bones. But when it comes to breast health, there have not been enough research in this area.

In recent years considerable publicity has been given to the possibility that caffeine may be linked to the development of benign lumps in some women’s breasts, a condition known as Fibrocystic disease.

However, the FDA review stated, more reliable studies since then have failed to show any relationship “between benign breast disease and coffee consumption.”

Some, but not all studies have found that women with Fibrocystic disease drink more coffee than women without the disease. Eliminating caffeine for less than six months does not appear to be effective at reducing symptoms of Fibrocystic disease. However, long-term and complete avoidance of caffeine does reduce symptoms of Fibrocystic disease.

Some women are more sensitive to the effects of caffeine than others, so benefits of restricting caffeine are likely to vary from woman to woman. Caffeine is found in coffee, black tea, green tea, cola drinks, chocolate, and many over-the-counter drugs. That is why if you decide to restrict or avoid caffeine consumption, you should carefully examine and review your daily diet with a nutrition expert and discuss your medications with a healthcare professional.

Do not stop taking drugs that include caffeine without a proper consultation with your doctor!

If your doctor and dietitian approve these changes, you should eliminate caffeine from your daily life. However, as stated above, you will notice first changes in your breast in at least six months, and up to a year. For example, a decrease in breast tenderness can take six months or more to occur after caffeine is eliminated. Breast lumpiness may not go away, but the pain often decreases.

5 Foods Linked to Breast Cancer

While genetics and lifestyle play significant roles, diet is also an area of growing interest in cancer prevention.

delicious burger with french fries and beverage on table in street cafe

Here’s a look at six foods that some studies have linked to an increased risk of breast cancer.

1. Processed Meats

Processed meats like bacon, sausages, and hot dogs are high in nitrates and nitrites, which can form potentially harmful compounds when cooked. These compounds have been associated with an increased risk of cancer, including breast cancer.

2. Red Meat

Regular consumption of red meat, such as beef and pork, has been linked to a higher risk of several types of cancer, including breast cancer. Red meat is rich in saturated fats and may contain carcinogenic substances formed during grilling or cooking at high temperatures. Though it doesn’t mean you need to eliminate red meat completely, moderating your intake and choosing lean cuts can be a healthier option.

3. Sugary Foods and Drinks

Foods high in added sugars, including sugary beverages and desserts, can lead to obesity, which is a known risk factor for breast cancer. Excessive sugar intake can contribute to weight gain and metabolic issues, both of which are linked to increased cancer risk. Reducing sugary foods and drinks can help manage weight, pevent obesity, and potentially lower cancer risk.

4. Alcohol

Alcohol consumption has been well-documented as a risk factor for breast cancer. Even moderate drinking can increase risk, as alcohol can influence estrogen levels in the body, which plays a role in breast cancer development. If you choose to drink, moderation is key – generally defined as no more than one drink per day.

5. Foods High in Trans Fats

Trans fats, found in many fried foods, baked goods, and margarine, are known to be harmful to health. These fats can lead to inflammation and affect overall metabolic health. Chronic inflammation and poor metabolic health are linked to an increased risk of several cancers, including breast cancer. Opting for healthier fats, such as those found in nuts, seeds, and avocados, is a better choice.

Remember, it’s not just about avoiding specific foods but making overall healthy choices and living a balanced lifestyle. Regular check-ups and consultations with healthcare providers are also crucial in managing health risks and ensuring early detection.

Other Products that May Affect Breast Health

There are also certain vitamins, minerals, herbs, plant extracts and other natural products that have been found to have beneficial effects on breast health and breast size.

While none of them are officially recommended by doctors, some may be worth trying in conjunction with conventional drugs or other herbs.

  1. Nettles
  2. Garlic
  3. Ginger
  4. Vitamin E
  5. Grape Seed Extract
  6. Ginseng Root Extract
  7. Black Cohosh
  8. White Willow Bark
  9. Safflower

Many of these herbal remedies are readily available in health food stores and online pharmacies. They are safe, effective, and there are no known harmful side effects. And the list of positive effects include better breast skin tone, reduced sagging, improved overall appearance, and reduced breast discomfort.

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Jerry K

Dr. Jerry K is the founder and CEO of, part of a team of more than 30 experts. Dr. Jerry K is not a medical doctor but holds a degree of Doctor of Psychology; he specializes in family medicine and sexual health products. During the last ten years Dr. Jerry K has authored a lot of health blogs and a number of books on nutrition and sexual health.

2 thoughts to “Monthly Breast Self-Exam in Every Age. Learn How to Prevent Breast Problems Including Breast Cancer.”

  1. Hello. I am Maria, 47 y.o. How often do I need to check my breasts in a clinic? Please help!

    1. Hello Maria. If you do not have a history of breast-related diseases in your family, you can have an annual breast check in a clinic. But if someone from you family has ever suffered from breast disorders, you may want to check your breasts health more often.

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